swe Svenskadaler small


The diploma is a handmade replica of a copper coin.
The coin measures approximately 7cm by 7cm and weighs about 130g.
The coin will be engraved with SK100FRK as well as your callsign.
To be eligible for the diploma you must show three contacts on three different amateur radio bands with SK100FRK.
All amateur radio bands and communication methods such as SSB, CW and FM are accepted as valid contacts. Digital modes such as FT8 as well as repeater traffic are not valid contacts for the diploma.
Contacts are accepted from the first of January 2024 00:00 UTC until the 31st of December 2024 23:59 UTC.

Applications for the diploma are sent to Den här e-postadressen skyddas mot spambots. Du måste tillåta JavaScript för att se den. and should include:
• Your Callsign
• Name
• Email
• Adress
• Date, Time, Band, Mode and Signal reports of three verified contacts with SK100FRK

Contacts will be posted on ClubLog
Payment information will be sent to eligible stations after the contacts have been verified against the club log.
The diploma will cost 395 SEK, approx ca: 34 EUR / 35 USD and can be paid for through either Swish or PayPal.
There are a limited number of Copper Coins available, first come first served.
Coins will be engraved at different points throughout the year, this may mean extended periods of time between payment and receiving the coin.

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